Sitecore for Developers
Where to Find Us at Sitecore Symposium 2018

Sitecore Symposium 2018 is approaching! Here is where to find HI at this year’s events.
Booth #301 in the Partner Pavilion (Dolphin, Floor 5). We're giving away Beats Wireless Headphones two times per day!
Theater Session | Tuesday, Oct. 9 at 11:20 AM | Expo Hall“The Elusive Phase 2: Why Can’t You Get There?”You just spent countless hours (and dollars) on your beautiful new website. The tantalizing promise of personalized, optimized experiences awaits… in Phase 2. Which never seems to happen. Sitecore Strategy MVP Dave Michela explains what you need to find your Phase 2 and make it a reality.
Speaker: Dave Michela, VP Digital Solutions – Horizontal Integration
Sitecore 9 on Azure PaaS Session | Wednesday, Oct. 10 at 11:45 AM | Swan 2
Sitecore is a scalable and flexible platform. However, with flexibility comes complexity. This could not be more true when it comes to deploying Sitecore infrastructure designed to support enterprise development at a global scale. Co-presented by Horizontal Integration and their client PODS, this presentation will illustrate a fully scripted deployment of Sitecore 9 in Azure PaaS for a scaled blue-green production implementation including lower environments.
Maximizing Your Investment Session | Wednesday, Oct. 10 at 11:45 AM | Dolphin, Southern Hemisphere II
Raymond James Financial started their digital transformation almost three years ago with a dream of consolidating all their corporate and financial advisor sites onto a single platform (Sitecore). The goals of this journey were to design an ecosystem to support their 3,500+ sites, while increasing their marketing operations efficiency. That dream is now reality, as they can spin up new templated sites in as little as five minutes and create fully customized sites for their financial advisors at roughly 20% of the cost of previous hand-built sites. In this session, we’ll show how a shared component and content model makes it quick, easy, and cost effective to create fully customized and templated sites.
Speakers: Angela Gustafson, Client Strategy Director – Horizontal Integration
Women in Digital Marketing & Technology Luncheon | Wednesday, Oct. 10 at 12:30 PM | Register Here
The evidence is in - there’s a clear correlation between gender diversity and profit. That’s an important datapoint for any business. But it’s just one reason we’re proud to join the #movethedial movement by hosting a special plated-lunch event, Women in Digital Marketing and Technology, at Sitecore Symposium 2018.
How to Approach Application Development with Sitecore Session | Wednesday, Oct. 10 at 3:00 PM | Swan 4
From integrating Sitecore with external systems to encrypting data at rest and in motion, we’ll illustrate how to use Sitecore Experience Platform as a presentation layer for applications that rely heavily on transactional data. You’ll learn about architecture design principles for data-heavy applications, security and data compliance, and authenticated portals on Sitecore.
Speakers: Sheetal Jain, Practice Lead Sitecore – Horizontal Integration
Arturo Mendiola, Vice President Client Strategy – Horizontal Integration
Elevate Your Career Experience: Empowering Women in Technology Session | Wednesday, Oct. 10 at 3:00 PM | Swan, Pelican
It’s no secret: Diversity in business is smart business. Yet, according to the National Center for Women & Information Technology, women only make up 26% of the workforce in computing professions. Join our panel of 18 female Sitecore MVPs as they discuss why ensuring gender equality is good for business; how your company may inadvertently be contributing to a gender gap; and how we can all take steps to close this gap in the tech industry.Speakers: Angela Gustafson, Client Strategy Director – Horizontal Integration