Query Sitecore xDB MongoDatabases via RoboMongo Part 3

In my previous two blog post Query Sitecore xDB MongoDatabases Part 1, I shared information about configuring RoboMongo for making it to understand CSUUID and the second post Query Sitecore xDB MongoDatabases Part 2 informing about executing queries from Mongo Shell. This post would be the last in the series where I would share queries that would be handy to be executed from RoboMongo. One would wonder as to why mentioning queries if already there is a blog post out there for Mongo Shell. There are few differences in the syntax for RoboMongo and Mongo Shell and hence this post.


The differences that stands out for queries for Mongo Shell vs RoboMongo are,

  • Instead of referring to the collection name COLLECTION_NAME.find() as compared to Mongo Shell, RoboMongo uses getCollection method.
  • GUIDS would have to be enclosed in the call for CSUUID for e.g CSUUID("7801dccd-6d8c-4c6e-8327-f66a7c773698")


  • Similarity is both Mongo Shell and RoboMongo are case sensitive so .find({}) and .Find({}) are interpreted differently where former is correct to search for a record and the later would result in an error. Case sensitivity holds true for fields names too so finding a record for “ContactID” would get you results but not for “contactid”
  • find, and, or, sort and limit syntax is similar for Mongo Shell and RoboMongo.
  • Fields hierarchy separated by “.”

find()[code language="SQL"]db.getCollection('Contacts').find({})[/code]

Query for GUIDS

[code language="SQL"] db.getCollection('Contacts').find({"_id" : CSUUID("7801dccd-6d8c-4c6e-8327-f66a7c773698")})[/code]Query for data without GUIDS. Fields hierarchy separated by “.”[code language="SQL"] db.getCollection('Contacts').find({"System.VisitCount" : 6})[/code]Note: _id from Contacts collections maps back to ContactId in Interactions collection[code language="SQL"]db.getCollection('Interactions').find({"ContactId" : CSUUID("7801dccd-6d8c-4c6e-8327-f66a7c773698")})[/code]and[code language="SQL"]db.getCollection('Contacts').find({$and:[{"System.Value":0},{"System.VisitCount":10}]})[/code]or[code language="SQL"]db.getCollection('Contacts').find({$or:[{"System.VisitCount":6},{"System.VisitCount":10}]})[/code]sort()[code language="SQL"]--For descending order.db.getCollection('Interactions').find({"ContactId" : CSUUID("7801dccd-6d8c-4c6e-8327-f66a7c773698")}).sort({"SaveDateTime":-1})--For ascending order.db.getCollection('Interactions').find({"ContactId" : CSUUID("7801dccd-6d8c-4c6e-8327-f66a7c773698")}).sort({"SaveDateTime":1})[/code]limit()[code language="SQL"]db.getCollection('Interactions').find({"ContactId" : CSUUID("7801dccd-6d8c-4c6e-8327-f66a7c773698")}).sort({"SaveDateTime":-1}).limit(3) can be used for fetching top 3 records.[/code]