Sitecore for Developers
Page Level Testing and Creating Page Level Test in Sitecore
Page Level Testing:
Page level testing allows testing the complete page (and not just a part of content) against its own version or against any other page built using the same template.
Please note for Page level testing:
- Page level tests can only be implemented for the pages built using the same template.
- If the pages to be tested are in the workflow state, the test cannot be implemented.
- It is possible to test one page against multiple pages
Configuring Page Level Test in Sitecore:
Let us say you want to test a different product pages (New Product 1 page) against another product page (New Product 2 page)
Step 1: Ensure that
- Both the pages selected for testing are based on same template
- Both the page are not in a workflow state
Step 2: From the Sitecore Launch Pad, navigate to Experience Optimization
Step 3: Click on the blue button at top left - “Create page test”
Step 4: Select the original page to test.
Step 5: Select the pages to test against the original selected page. Click on the plus icon to select the pages. Save test.
In the Add page dialog, select one of the following options:
- Use existing: select an existing page to test against.
- Previous page version: select the previous version of the current page (if one exists).
- New page version: create a new version of the current page. You can edit the new version when you review the test.
Step 7: Go to Review and Start Tab. After selecting the pages for testing, Sitecore displays the information about the test also you can adjust a number of parameters for the test. Sitecore displays previews of the pages that you have selected, with one variation selected and the other variations in the carousel under the selected variation. To select a different one, click any variation in the carousel.
Please note the following fields on the Review and Start tab:
An Information bar: It tells how long the test is expected to be running before it can be declared as a winner.
My expected effect of changes: It makes a guess about the change in engagement value of the changes you have made.
Percentage of visitors exposed to test: Specify the percentage of visitors that you want exposed to the test.
For example, if you set the percentage at 40%, 40% of visitors will see one of the variations that you have created. The original variation is part of these. The remaining visitors – 60% in this example – will see the original variation. Sitecore calculates test results based on the visitors it exposes to the test.
Statistics: Select the statistical confidence level that the test needs to reach before it can declare a winner. You select one of 90%, 95%, or 99%. The higher the level, the longer the test needs to run.
Test objective: Select a test objective. You select either one of the goals specified in the Marketing Control Center, or select Trailing Value/Visit (the total engagement value per visit – but only counting page views occurring after the visitors encountered the page being tested).
Select how to pick a winner: Following options are listed:
- Automatically select a winner based on the test objective
- Automatically select a winner based on the test objective, unless it significantly decreases engagement value
- Manually select winner
Duration: Specify the minimum and maximum time for the test to run:
Minimum: select 3, 7, or 14 days.
Maximum: select 14, 30, or 90 days.
Select the appropriate options and click on Start test.